Tis the Season! Give and Receive with the Georgetown Galleries on Book Hill: Saturday, December 1, 4-6pm

Participating galleries: Addison/Ripley Fine Arts, Heiner Contemporary, Maurine Littleton Gallery, Neptune Fine Art, Robert Brown Gallery, and Susan Calloway Fine Arts

Please join the Georgetown Galleries on Book Hill for an afternoon of holiday merriment. The participating galleries will host a kid-friendly treasure hunt, a charity drive for the Duke Ellington School Museum Studies Department, and provide light refreshments. Children (with accompanying adults) can pick up treasure maps at any of the participating galleries and will receive a prize for completing the hunt. Receiving boxes will also be available for any charitable donations.

The Duke Ellington Museum Studies Department focuses on giving high school students opportunities and experiences in museum work in preparation for a career in the field. The Museum Studies Department is in need of the following items and financial support: thumb drives, object handling gloves, picture hanging supplies, framing supplies, and tools -- including hammers, levels and tape measures. Checks for $25-$100 will help department expenses associated with traveling exhibitions, stipends for guest speakers and lecturers, and field trips, including museum entry fees. Checks of $100 or more will go towards the scholarship fund for students to attend the “Educational Adventure”, the annual end-of-year trip for the entire Department (this year, students will either go to Santa Fe or New York City, based upon funds raised).
Additional holiday cheer will be provided by The Sophisticated Ladies of the Duke Ellington School of the Arts, a 30 member female vocal ensemble of Duke Ellington students. They will perform at the base of Book Hill on Saturday, December 1, from 4-6.

The Georgetown Galleries on Book Hill feature artworks in a range of media and prices-- great for special holiday gifts! Exhibitions at the participating galleries will be:

Addison/Ripley: Waterline, photographs by Frank Hallam Day

Heiner Contemporary: Housebound, a group exhibition exploring the depiction of domestic space, featuring work by Rachel Farbiarz, Bella Foster, Allison Gildersleeve, Allison Reimus, Ann Toebbe, and Augusta Wood.

Maurine Littleton Gallery: Group Show: Gallery Artists

Neptune Fine Art: Silent Studies, Still Life Paintings by Coleen Cox.

Robert Brown Gallery: Prints and drawings by Danish artist Per Kirkeby.

Susan Calloway Fine Arts: Variations on A Grid, paintings and monotypes by Natasha Karpinskaia

For more information about the Georgetown galleries on Book Hill, please visit:
http://georgetowngalleries.com/. For more information about the Duke Ellington School of the Arts Museum Studies program, please visit: http://www.ellingtonschool.org/arts/museum.html

Participating galleries: Addison/Ripley Fine Arts, Heiner Contemporary, Maurine Littleton Gallery, Neptune Fine Art, Robert Brown Gallery, and Susan Calloway Fine Arts